WATCH: Merse meets Gazza

via Sky Sports |

Last Updated: 07/09/15 4:38pm

Don't miss a Fantasy Football Club special this Friday evening as Paul Merson sits down with former club and country team-mate Paul Gascoigne.

Don't miss a Fantasy Football Club special this Friday evening as Paul Merson sits down with former club and country team-mate Paul Gascoigne.

Don’t miss a Fantasy Football Club special this Friday evening as Paul Merson sits down with former club and country team-mate Paul Gascoigne.

Paul meets Paul on The Fantasy Football Club this week, as Merse meets Gazza in an interview not to be missed.

The Magic Man has a chat with his former teammate at both club and international level, as the two played together for Middlesbrough and England.

The Fantasy Football Club

September 11, 2015, 5:30pm

Live on

Gazza talks about some of the more interesting moments playing for England – including his strong admiration for Gary Lineker…

Hit the video above for a sneak peek of when Merse meets Gazza, and watch the full interview on The Fantasy Football Club, Friday at 5.30pm on Sky Sports 3.

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